Greetings! I’ve been a freelance writer,

primarily travel and crocheting, since 1987.  Several hundred of my feature articles, personality profiles, and commentary pieces have been published in newspapers and magazines throughout North America. So far I’m the author of 26 books, including 17 crochet titles. I’ve also created large-scale crochet installations (everything from delicate flowers to a giant yarn snake) for museums.

A lifelong crafter, I’m especially passionate about crochet and Tunisian crochet. You won’t find any bulky, shapeless clothing or rivers of double crochet stitches in my work!  I’m known for fashionable, wearable items (and the crystal-clear instructions that go with them).  My crochet designs have been published by top yarn companies including Plymouth Yarn and Louet North America, and I do contract crochet for Annie’s Crafts.  I also offer a private line of patterns through Ravelry.  I’ve been a featured guest on “Uncommon Threads,” HGTV’s fiber arts program.  I am a professional member of the Crochet Guild of America (CGOA) and was a design member of The National Needle Arts Association (TNNA) while that organization was active.

I love to teach, and am pleased that my classes consistently receive top ratings at venues large and small.  Recently I’ve partnered with Annie’s Crafts to produce online classes through their website and Annie’s Creative Studio.  I’m based in West Chester, Pennsylvania. My husband and I are the parents of two grown sons.  Questions? Comments?  Want to set up a class? Need some unique crochet art for your museum, corporate event, Interior design client, or special occasion?  Please contact me!

Email me!

I'm here to answer your questions, and I'd love to hear about your crochet projects!
– Sharon Silverman